LAMBERT Architecture + Interiors
418 N. Marshall St., Ste. 200, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

+ Bank of North Carolina
LAMBERT designed this traditonal regional branch as part of the expansion program at the Bank of North Carolina. The prominent corner in this retail area (a triangular shape), as well as the site’s zoning, shape, topography and limited access made it an unattractive property for most suitors. LAMBERT designed the placement of a two-story 9,050 sf bank at the visible corner, while satisfying all parking and drive-thru requirements, and without the need for retaining walls.

This Bank of North Carolina regional center is a prominent building on a triangular site at a very busy intersection.

Design features that helped the facility fit onto the oddly-shaped site include a duplicate entry element facing the intersection, a detached drive-thru with underground tubing and a number of grading devices used at the building entry.

The lobby includes a seating area, check-writing station and TV screens for banking and daily news.

The lobby is situated between private offices and teller stations.

The second floor of the bank houses private and open office space.

A private conference room was included in the design beside the workspace area.