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+ Elon University
   Student Center Renovation

Grub stop to Social hub for Elon University Student Center’s Reenergized-Renovation.  The design solution objectives were to promote greater use of the student center and foster collaboration among various student groups. The renovation included: shared offices for student groups, flexible spaces for small and large group meetings, and a kitchen with multiple functions. Glass-front offices located throughout the student center provide an open, airy ambiance. A variety of movable tables and chairs provide quick lounge-style seating arrangements to accommodate a variety of collaborations. School colors keenly worked into the design encourages camaraderie, improve wayfinding while strengthening the university brand. On the second floor, a warren of wall-off suites for student leadership and outreach organizations was gutted to create a more inviting and collaborative layout.   Glass-front suites were introduced to allow light to penetrate the deep floorplate into all interior spaces.   Hallways were widened at key junctures to create casual study and collaboration spaces.  


2014 IIDA Award Winner

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