LAMBERT Architecture + Interiors
418 N. Marshall St., Ste. 200, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

+ McNutt Technology Center
The McNutt building renovation accommodates four information technology groups along with the University’s Network Operations Center, housing the central campus computer and server systems. The facility is designed toward the Data Center Tier III Performance Standards with key support infrastructure designed toward Tier IV Standards.

A series of lines (or bars) expressed in ceramic tile floor patterns, linear light fixtures and perforated metal ceiling planes are all used to create a dynamic environment. This is intended to represent the simultaneous flow of bits and bytes of information in this network operations center.

The design for the workspace area takes advantage of the tall height from floor to roof steel and utilizes a barrel vault formed from a typical 2x2 acoustical ceiling system. This culminates in a translucent, insulated skylight over the center of the environment. This brings much-needed natural light into the core of the building.

Tilted, latex painted drywall and ceiling planes further contribute to this dynamic environment.

Network operations with overhead cabling and room for expansion.

The facility utilizes four Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units providing 30 tons of cooling each.

The McNutt Building utilizes two normal power sources from Duke Power plus an 800KW diesel emergency generator and was designed to accommodate a second, future 800KW diesel emergency generator. Power for the Server Center is linked to the emergency generator as well as 2 separate Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems. The UPS systems provide 15 minutes to shut equipment down should both normal power and the emergency generator fail.