LAMBERT Architecture + Interiors
418 N. Marshall St., Ste. 200, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

+ WFU Welcome Center Interiors
LAMBERT was charged with “revere and revise” upon creating this LEED Gold Welcome Center. The interior furniture, fixtures, and overall palette in this 22,000SF facility blend to create a cozy atmosphere, inviting students and parents to relax before interviews and information sessions. A blend of the existing period pieces with new modern furniture items created an eclectic mix which met the University’s objective, representing the style the client wanted to achieve.

Generous windows surround the “Conservatory” introducing natural light into the building.

Interview rooms on the second floor overlook the conservatory

Interview rooms were designed to provide a warm, comfortable feeling for prospective students and their parents

The large meeting room and other areas within the building incorporate refurbished historic light fixtures salvaged from renovations of other building on campus

As with other spaces, the Dean’s office incorporates a blend of well-loved, historic furnishings that were refurbished along with new acquisitions for a seamless appearance.

Furnishings were selected to recreate the residential environment that would feel welcoming to the prospective student.

The kitchen/breakroom echoes the residential theme and is a hub for office spaces at the center of the 3-level staff wing. It also accommodates catering for the adjacent exterior courtyard and building multi-use rooms.